I am ‘others’. You are ‘others’. Help the flood victims.

Please don’t skip it and read it to the end.

I read an interesting group behavior sometime ago which was something along these lines. If a group is watching someone in distress then it is possible that no one in the group will help the victim. Every one will think that ‘others’ are there to take care of it.

Our people are in real trouble due to recent floods. They badly need our help. Let us not just be spectators. Let us do something, contribute something. Even if you are committed to other great causes, do contribute something to these people.

This calamity is so huge that even a small contribution can almost always save a life. And there is no better feeling than the one that you have saved a life.

May be we should reflect on this disaster before spending money on our next luxury meal, new designer dresses etc. Saving and contributing money this way will make both our body and soul feel better.

I am not a big fan of helping needy people with money. Such help can make them addictive and dependent. But obviously this is not the case here.

This article contains links to the organizations who are collecting donations. If you are doing it, please share the details in comments.

I am ‘others’. You are ‘others’. Let us help them.

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